Thank you for making one of the most important decisions that can greatly impact other people’s lives. Let’s get started:
You’re just a few clicks from saving a life.
The Central California Blood Center provides blood to patients who receive care at over 20 hospitals and their network of facilities in Fresno Tulare, Madera, Kings and Mariposa Counties. 5,000 to 6,000 pints of blood must be collected per month to meet the needs of patients in our Central Valley community.
Roman Velasquez
Heart Surgery Survivor
Life Saved

Blood Donation in 4 Easy Steps
Michelle Rios,
Phlebotomist Donor
Services Supervisor

A photo ID is required to register, then you’ll be asked to verify your name and address.
The mini-physical consists of checking your pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and iron level. In the confidential interview, a trained interviewer will ask questions about your general health and medical history, as well as questions concerning risk behaviors, foreign travel, and other subjects. Your mini-physical and interview are conducted to ensure that giving blood is healthy for you and that your blood is as safe as possible for the recipient(s). All information gathered during the physical and interview is kept strictly confidential.
The collection of a unit, about one pint of blood takes about 15 minutes. You may feel a small pinch when the needle is inserted, but most donors do not feel any pain for the duration of the donation. Once a unit has been collected, additional small tubes of blood will be collected for laboratory tests. All blood collection equipment is sterile and used only once.
After your donation, you can enjoy some refreshments to help replenish your fluids. At this time, you have the option of scheduling your next donation appointment. After you’re done with relaxing and refreshments, you can resume your normal daily activities.
If you’re a new donor or under the age of 18, you can save some time by filling these forms out prior to your blood donation appointment.
Juan Blanco, Grandfather
Noel Aguilar, Grandson
Donor & Life Saved

Blood Donors: Read This!
If any of the following apply to you, you may not donate today:
You are feeling ill or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
(fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea and vomiting and diarrhea). Please return once you have returned to your normal healthy self.
You have been diagnosed
with or suspected of having COVID-19.
Please return to donate after you return to wellness and at least 10 days after resolution of symptoms.
If you have cared for, lived with, or otherwise had close contact with individuals who have been diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID-19.
*Healthcare workers caring for patients with COVID-19 and have NOT consistently used recommended personal protective equipment Please return in 14 days.